JumpCloud Authentication Guide

How to authenticate JumpCloud for use with Tines

Daniel Stoeski avatar
Written by Daniel Stoeski
Updated over a week ago

JumpCloud is an open directory platform for secure, frictionless access from any device to any resource, anywhere. JumpClouds mission is to Make Work Happen, providing simple, secure access to corporate technology resources from any device, or any location. The JumpCloud Directory Platform gives IT, MSPs, VARs/Distributors, security operations, and DevOps a single, cloud-based solution to control and manage employee identities, their devices, and apply Zero Trust principles.

First, get a JumpCloud API key

  1. Login to your JumpCloud account

  2. Click on the user menu and click "My API Key"

  3. Click "Generate New API Key"

  4. Copy your API key to a text editor

Lastly, create a JumpCloud credential in Tines

  1. Login to your Tines tenant

  2. Navigate to the team that will be using the API and click "Credentials"

  3. Click "+ New Credential" and select "Text"

  4. Input the values for the JumpCloud credential

    1. Name: JumpCloud

    2. Description: Optional

    3. Value: Your API key

  5. Optional

    1. Domains: Ensure this credential can only be used when making HTTP requests to specific domains.

    2. Access: What other teams can also use the API

  6. Click "Save"

For more on creating credentials in Tines, click here.

You can find a selection of JumpCloud stories in the story library

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