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Frequently asked questions: Workbench
Frequently asked questions: Workbench
Hannah Roy avatar
Written by Hannah Roy
Updated over 3 weeks ago

What is Workbench?

Workbench is a familiar Tines-powered AI chat interface that can access proprietary information, take action, or identify next steps in real-time across your tech stack. All interactions through Workbench must come from an authorized user’s instruction or approval to take action.

What types of actions can Workbench take?

Workbench interacts with any stories or action templates you give it permission to access. As it is user-scoped, the access level depends on the user's access-level to the stories and elements. To read more about using send-to-story with Workbench, click here.

How do I know where to start?

Start by interacting with a familiar tool like Jira, Slack, or CrowdStrike. Click the template, then choose from various available tasks, such as sending Slack messages, creating tickets in Jira, or getting detections in CrowdStrike Falcon.

If you need inspiration, check out some examples from our Labs team in our Library.

Do I have to be a Tines customer to use Workbench?

No! Workbench is available for all editions of Tines. To get the most out of it, we recommend using it in combination with existing stories. It is not available as a standalone product.

Can I use Workbench without paying for it?

Yes. Workbench is available in a limited capacity for free, learn more here.

How do I enable my AI-powered features to access Workbench?

This explained article will walk you through how to enable AI-powered features, including Workbench, in Tines.

Will my Workbench chats be reflected across my tenant or specific to a team?

Workbench chats are user-scoped. The contents of a chat are private to the individual user; audit logs are kept for actions taken and messages sent.

The tools and stories you can interact with are available based on the teams you’re in. Any story or credential available to “all teams & drafts” will be available to all workbench users.

Does Tines capture an audit log of the tasks Workbench performs?

All actions are captured in the platform's audit logs section, which are available to tenant admins via our UI and API. Our system automatically and consistently captures a log for each user request and Workbench response based on the story or template used. Read more on audit logs in our docs.

What stories and credentials can I access from Workbench?

Workbench is scoped to the individual user; therefore, within Workbench, users can enable credentials or stories they have access to run within Tines. To understand more, check out our docs.

Will stories used with Workbench count towards a tenant’s story limits?

Stories used exclusively for Workbench do not count towards any story limits as they cannot run autonomously. Learn more about stories and Workbench here.

Is there a token limit when messaging Workbench?

Our text limit is measured in tokens, where conversations are limited to 200K tokens. Limits can be hit by either:

  • Having a large quantity of skills enabled

  • Generating a massive output from a skill call

  • Generating a massive input to a skill call (i.e. file data)

Is Workbench available on mobile and tablet?

Yes! Workbench is available for users on mobile devices (Android, Apple), tablets, and desktop computers.

Is Workbench available for self-hosted tenants?

Consistent with all AI in Tines, Workbench is available only for cloud and self-hosted tenants. Our self-hosted docs provide information on configuring and connecting to different AI providers for self-hosted tenants.

What is Workbench good at?

It’s great at assisting you as you work in real-time, whether that’s aggregating data from your proprietary systems, investigating alerts, or taking actions. In addition, like any other AI-powered chat, it has powerful general knowledge capabilities.

What is it not good at?

While you can use it to build actions, stories, or resources in Tines, we still believe that stories are best built by those who know them best.

Bookmark our Workbench docs and Introduction to Workbench for all available resources on Workbench.

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